In business, communication is key. Whether you are a small or large business, it is vital to keep communication among business partners and associates in writing. Accordingly, all business contracts, agreements, and transactions should be well-documented and well-written. A savvy contract lawyer who understands the complexities of business law should be employed whenever a business transaction or agreement takes place. An attorney can help prevent and ease disputes by drafting and executing a contract that is agreeable to all parties involved.
General Information:
- What Is The Benefit Of Bringing In An Attorney Who Is An Experienced Negotiator Early In My Business Dealings?
- What Are The Most Common Types Of Business Negotiations That Your Firm Is Hired On For?
Why Do I Need To Hire A Business Attorney?
Business is a very wide field that covers virtually all areas of commerce. However, no matter what your business is or what it does, any time goods or services are exchanged—whether it be between individuals, or between business entities like corporations, companies, LLCs, or anything else—there are potential legal issues that may lie in the details. It may be a contract issue, a copyright issue, a labor issue, a liability issue, or any one of the large range of potential ways that people doing business can find themselves in legal conflict.
A business attorney can resolve those issues. A good business attorney can prevent those issues from arising in the first place.
What Type Of Issues Can A Business Attorney Handle?
Business attorneys can address a wide range of legal concerns and conflicts, both in a preventative capacity (making sure the legal issue never comes up) and in a reparative capacity (making sure the legal issue is resolved in your favor). They handle as many types of legal issues as there are in the field of business—which, as aforementioned, are many.
Some of the most common types of legal issues that business attorneys handle include:
- Partnership Disputes: When business partners team up to create a new business venture, they often have a certain shared idea about the way things will go in their partnership, as well as the desired outcome and how to get there. Sometimes, that idea does not match reality, and the partners find themselves at odds with one another. Business lawyers can mediate—and, if necessary, litigate—these disputes. They can also help you develop legally sound partnerships that are less likely to result in dispute.
- Breach Of Contract: Whenever a business deal or partnership is made, there is always a contract involved. This contract is the foundation of the deal or partnership, and sets forth all of the stipulations and qualifiers and agreements being made between the individuals or business entities involved. This foundation is undermined if one or several parties to the contract fail to uphold the terms of the contract. Business lawyers can resolve breaches of contract—either through mediation or negotiation out of court, or through litigation—and can also help write ironclad contracts that are far more difficult for any party to break.
- Antitrust Litigation: In order to protect and promote competition and to prevent monopolies, both the federal government and many state governments have certain laws in place. These are called “antitrust laws.” If an individual or business entity is enforcing an illegal monopoly over a specific good, service, or field, anti-trust litigation can be pursued against them. A business attorney can help clients pursue or defend against anti-trust litigation, and can serve as counsel to prevent anti-trust liability.
- Product Liability Lawsuits And Claims: When an individual or business entity produces/sells a product or service, they are required to ensure that the product or service is accurately represented and is not faulty or dangerous. If a good or service is misrepresented or faulty and someone is injured (physically, financially, or otherwise) as a result, the injured person or business can file a liability claim and sue for damages. Business attorneys can both litigate and defend against product liability lawsuits and claims.
- Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes: When an individual or business entity creates or invents an original idea, object, or product, they often protect it as their “intellectual property” with a trademark, copyright, or patent. Business attorneys can help you file those protections. If a person or company infringes on someone else’s intellectual property, the owner of the intellectual property can file an IP lawsuit. Business attorneys can both litigate and defend against IP lawsuits.
- Employment Disputes: There are many different situations in which the relationship between employees and employers can lead to legal conflict. Employees—whether current or former—can be sued by employers for issues like breach of contract. For instance, if an employee signed a non-compete agreement or a non-disclosure agreement and then violates that agreement, they could be sued. Employers can also be sued by employees for things like discrimination, wage/benefit theft, breach of contract, and hostile work environments. Business attorneys can mediate and, if necessary, litigate these matters when they arise. They can also help both employers and employees protect themselves beforehand with more equitable contracts and clearer terms of employment.
Whether you are an individual or a company, an employer or an employee, a start-up or an established corporation, a business attorney is essential if you want your legal business matters handled quickly, efficiently, and in a way that is most beneficial to you.
Where Can I Find A Great Business Attorney In Tallahassee, Florida?
If you’re looking for an all-purpose, versatile, and experienced business lawyer in Tallahassee, Florida, Attorney Andrew Fredrickson and the talented staff at the Fredrickson Law Firm are here to help.
Attorney Fredrickson is a passionate, dedicated, and knowledgeable business attorney who has practiced in both Florida and California. He has extensive experience in business partnership, contract, and employment matters, working across a diverse array of fields—from entertainment to construction—to make sure his clients come away with the best possible outcome.
After relocating from California to his home state of Florida, Attorney Fredrickson created a firm with the mission of offering individualized representation to clients with business needs. Today, the Fredickson Law Firm prides itself on providing extremely attentive and personalized legal counsel. This makes all the difference, which you can see from Attorney Fredrickson’s many happy and satisfied past clients.
Do you need a business lawyer in Tallahassee, FL? Don’t wait. Call Attorney Andrew Fredrickson and The Fredrickson Law Firm at (904) 316-2527 today.

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